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Setup and configuration of JIRA, and friends, for your organization



Not sure we can do something for you? Hit us with a question!

Your motivation?

  • everyone uses JIRA, you want to try it in your organization as well
  • current ​tools prevent productive work, people complain about them, it is impossible to find information or summarize it 
  • you need specific tasks accomplished but have no knowledge in your organization about how to achieve them
  • you need a professional to configure things quickly and without hassle
  • you have a problem with your current setup and have no idea how to fix it



​Customer is billed per hour for consultancy service.


You invite us to work


We use current tools, meet people and recognize organization's work style.

Go back

We note needs down


We gather feedback from diverse groups, get idea of budget you'd like to invest into the change.

We recommend change
You say YES

We go ahead and execute the change, train your admin(s) and people.

We keep in touch

In case you need tuning we are there to help.

Your organization ROCKS!

Collecting bugs, tests, features

Source control

Great WIKI

Continuous Integration

One user directory for all

Agile boards

Would you like to take your organization to the next level of awesome? Contact us! 

Copyright Bee Quality. No animals were harmed in the making.
And check out our Privacy Policy



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